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上海天贺木业有限公司总公司位于中国金融都市——上海,成立于2009年 。 公司是集研发、设计、生产、销售和服务为一体的生产企业。交通便利,地理环境优越。公司为了缓解物流运输,在全国建立三个加工基地,总占地面积300多亩,是一家以生产门窗,地板,整体家居等多元化的企业。 轩鹤地板产品以环保,低碳为企业根本因素,为客户打造放心产品,在市场竞争激烈的情况下,不断开拓创新,引进欧洲先进的制作工艺与设计理念,本着对广大客户负责的态度,先后与美国MEAD公司、德国夏特公司、江西大亚集团等世界知名厂商展开广泛合作,采用德国最先进的技术,按照最严格的欧洲质量标准生产,来确保产品质量的稳定性,同时公司已经通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证和环境标志认证。 轩鹤套装门产品以简约风格著称,致力于打造“现代简约与欧式精典的完美结合”定位于服务中高端阶层的家居消费层次,在产品的生产与研发上,融合中国元素到木门,体现中国古老文化的精髓,致力于满足消费者的个性化需求,大力发扬标准木门生产与销售,与现代国际营销理念接轨,将先进的家居文化引入消费者的生活。 轩鹤整体家居凭借行业领先的生产技术和设备、精雕细琢的设计、苛刻严谨的生产、为众多的中国家庭量身定制衣柜、衣帽间、书柜、移门及配套家具等系列产品。 上海天贺木业有限公司为顾客提供优质专业的售前、售中、售后服务。 公司本着整合、挑战 、超越的战略目标,未来五年打造行业一流品牌。   Shanghai days celebrating wood limited corporation is located in Shanghai, China's financial city - founded in 2009. The company is the collection development, design, production, sales and service as one of the production enterprise. Transportation is convenient, the geographical environment is superior. The company in order to alleviate the logistics transport, in the whole nation builds three processing base, total cover the area more than 3,00 mu, is specialized in manufacturing doors and Windows, floor, whole household diversified enterprises.   Porch crane flooring products with environmental protection, low carbon for enterprise fundamental factors, for customer makes trust products, intense competition in the market situation, develops the innovation unceasingly, the introduction of advanced production technology and European design concept, in line with to clients responsible manner, successively and American company of MEAD, Germany xia te company, the jiangxi grand and group, the world famous manufacturers develop extensive cooperation, adopted the German in accordance with the most advanced technology, the strict quality standard production, in Europe to ensure the stability of the product quality, and the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and environment symbol authentication.   Porch crane suit door for products with contracted style, committed to build "contemporary and contracted and European classical perfect combination of high-end strata located in service, the household consumption levels in the production of products development, integration with Chinese elements into wood, reflected the essence of Chinese ancient culture, devote oneself to to satisfy consumers' specific needs, vigorously develop standard wood production and sales, and the modern international marketing idea community, will advanced household culture introducing consumer life.   Porch crane integral household with industry leading production technology and equipment, excelsior design, demanding strict production, for many of China's family customize chest, cloakroom, bookcase, move the door and matching furniture etc series products.   Shanghai days celebrating wood industry limited company to provide customers with high-quality professional pre-sale, sale and after-sale service.   The company in line with integration, challenges and surpass strategic objectives, in the future five years make industry first-class brand.


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